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United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

Girl in front of PWSB

Health: Emma

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At United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County, we support local programs that help adults with disabilities find meaningful work they love. 

For many young people, graduation from high school can be an exciting time of life. For Emma, a special education student in Ozaukee County, it brought a bit of anxiety.

Emma was one of the more reserved and quiet students in the classroom. She wasn’t sure that she was truly ready for the transition from school to the workplace. She knew she needed help. 

That’s when she turned to Portal, Inc.

Portal Inc., a United Way agency partner, has continuously served adults and youth with disabilities since 1965. 

Emma participated in many different activities at Portal to enhance social interaction, explore career opportunities, and discover independent living skills.

Portal also provides opportunities for individuals to get hands-on experience at various jobs.

Donations to United Way’s Community Fund support Portal’s Employment Readiness & Advancement program, which helps adults with disabilities prepare for employment and build toward a life of self-sufficiency.

Portal helped Emma find a temporary position at Port Washington State Bank. Her duties were rolling coins, preparing customer materials, and keeping the lobby organized.

Emma demonstrated to the bank that she was a focused, motivated worker with good organizational skills.

Because of her training with Portal, she was able to turn her temporary job into a permanent position—a position she still holds today.

Help ensure everyone in our community has access to the resources they need to thrive: donate to United Way’s Community Fund today.