How Techquity’s Digital Skills Training Recently Helped Waukesha Residents
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United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

How Techquity’s Digital Skills Training Recently Helped Waukesha Residents

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Techquity's Digital Skills Training

February 28, 2024

The digital skills training, “Cyber Security Basics,” helped to teach residents how to navigate the internet safely.

Remember the days when the internet was only accessible from a single computer in one room in your home? Nowadays, we can access it from anywhere we go, thanks to smartphones. While this convenience has its benefits, it has also made our personal information more vulnerable to potential threats.

Recently, our Techquity initiative hosted its first digital skills training, “Cyber Security Basics,” at our partner agency, La Casa de Esperanza in Waukesha. This skills training covered online safety which helped ensure that people had the tools and skills needed to navigate the internet on their devices with ease and without worry. With a rise in cyber-attacks, the training gave peace of mind to the parents in attendance; now, they were armed with the right knowledge to help their children – and themselves – browse the internet securely.

Dave Berka leads the "Cyber Security Basics" trainingThe digital skills training goes beyond the success of a singular household. With the skills, knowledge, and resources that the attendees gained, they left feeling confident in sharing their new-found education with their neighbors and community. In turn, this helps keep more people safe from online threats. 

“Digital skills trainings are important because if you have broadband and you have a device, but you don’t have the skills to navigate the internet or use the device on the internet safely, then you’re at a loss,” Dave Berka, Project Manager of Techquity & Resource Equity at United Way, said. “Digital skills bring all of those components together to make sure that people can use the tools and the resources that they have for their own well-being and benefit.”

These trainings help to bridge the digital divide. While some of the population has access to technology and the skills to safely navigate it, others don’t have the same opportunity. A person’s access to devices and affordable broadband is only part of the divide. A crucial need is also the knowledge and education about the online services many have come to accept as a part of everyday life. In order to give everyone the same access, Techquity’s Advisory Council developed the curriculum within several training courses for anyone who needs it, or needs a refresher.

“We would love to keep hosting digital skills trainings like this,” said Dave, who led the training at La Casa. “We look forward to doing it not just on cyber security basics, but on many other digital skills subjects as well.”

Those other subjects include online job hunting and remote work, navigating online healthcare, online banking, and education. Techquity is planning to do these trainings at nonprofits and partner agencies throughout Milwaukee and Waukesha County.Refurbished laptop provided by Digital Bridge

In addition to teaching digital skills, Techquity has a goal to distribute 50,000 computers to people who need them across our four counties by 2027. Laptops, refurbished by a local refurbisher and United Way collaborator, Digital Bridge, were provided to the attendees who finished the training at La Casa. With their new skillsets and laptops, these attendees can now better navigate the online world.

You can help us continue these important digital skills trainings and reach Techquity’s distribution goal. Join us at our next advisory council meeting on Thursday, March 7 to learn how your dollars are helping to bridge the digital divide. Donations to Techquity will also help every part of this work. Technology is in most of our pockets. Let’s use it to help our community Live United.


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